I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone
a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I want you to know that I'll be back in the New
Year with lots of comments about various topics
and programs I've purchased or gotten as free
I will likely make another post before 2007
is out -- I want to comment on the "4 Money
Making Ideas" that I purchased a month or so
ago. I haven't had chance to get into it yet,
but I'll peruse the material and give you a
first-look opinion.
All the best to everyone!
20 December 2007
09 December 2007
The Value of Report Writing
I was thinking today of a really neat way to break into
the marketing and sales of Information Products.
You do it by writing short reports!
Yes, that's right! It's an excellent way to build up a
series of products. Begin by listing six to twelve topics
that you could explore in a short report. Then, write a
brief outline, and do some basic research.
Now, follow the outline and write the report -- it only
has to be from four to six pages.
Then, you can give away the report, to help you
build your list of subscribers. This is a basic approach
and it will benefit you in the long run.
Or. if you like, sell the Reports for $1 each, or, if the
information is excellent, consider selling it for $3 or
even $5.
If you want a good outline on Report Writing, and the
value of Free Reports, sign up to my list and download
"Profiting With Free Reports Made Simple," by Brian
Dew. Click on the link, below.
The Free Report.
All the best!
I was thinking today of a really neat way to break into
the marketing and sales of Information Products.
You do it by writing short reports!
Yes, that's right! It's an excellent way to build up a
series of products. Begin by listing six to twelve topics
that you could explore in a short report. Then, write a
brief outline, and do some basic research.
Now, follow the outline and write the report -- it only
has to be from four to six pages.
Then, you can give away the report, to help you
build your list of subscribers. This is a basic approach
and it will benefit you in the long run.
Or. if you like, sell the Reports for $1 each, or, if the
information is excellent, consider selling it for $3 or
even $5.
If you want a good outline on Report Writing, and the
value of Free Reports, sign up to my list and download
"Profiting With Free Reports Made Simple," by Brian
Dew. Click on the link, below.
The Free Report.
All the best!
26 November 2007
Update: "My Quick Money Ideas That Worked"
Hi Everyone,
Just a brief update to inform you that over 2000
copies of "My Quick Money Ideas That Worked," has
been sold!
The author, Rob Toth, was true to his word, and has
increased the price. However, in my opinion, the
new price of $3.99 is still a terrific bargain.
The eBook is written in such a way that it teaches
techniques and approaches to making money online.
In other words, after reading it, you'll know
a lot more about what you have to do to earn some
money on the web.
Now, I haven't yet had time to dig into the money-
making methods outlined in the eBook. But I expect
to begin the process early next month. I'll keep
you updated.
If you're interested in this $3.99 bargain, just
Click Here to read more about it.
Just a brief update to inform you that over 2000
copies of "My Quick Money Ideas That Worked," has
been sold!
The author, Rob Toth, was true to his word, and has
increased the price. However, in my opinion, the
new price of $3.99 is still a terrific bargain.
The eBook is written in such a way that it teaches
techniques and approaches to making money online.
In other words, after reading it, you'll know
a lot more about what you have to do to earn some
money on the web.
Now, I haven't yet had time to dig into the money-
making methods outlined in the eBook. But I expect
to begin the process early next month. I'll keep
you updated.
If you're interested in this $3.99 bargain, just
Click Here to read more about it.
18 November 2007
"My Quick Money Ideas That Worked"
Hi Everyone,
That's the name of a new eBook I just purchased, and
I can't wait to dig into the material.
It's written by Rob Toth of Vancouver, Canada. As he
says, it's not theory, but, 71 pages of practical stuff --
in his own words:
"That's how many written pages it took me
to fully break-down 4 of my quick money ideas
that I've used in the past to successfully reach
various quick-cash goals."
The reason I bought the eBook, is that it's really a
no risk deal. I mean, it only costs $3.99! I figure that
even if I get one good idea from the product, it's well
worth the price -- as they say, it's a no-brainer at $3.99.
Just click on the bold text, above, to read more about it,
or, Click Here.
Well, I must go for this time. I'll be back soon with an
update on how I used, My Quick Money Ideas That
All the best!
p.s. Oh yes, there's an excellent new product that
just launched. If you are thinking about creating
your own information product, you'll be interested in
reading about it. I'll discuss it, soon!
That's the name of a new eBook I just purchased, and
I can't wait to dig into the material.
It's written by Rob Toth of Vancouver, Canada. As he
says, it's not theory, but, 71 pages of practical stuff --
in his own words:
"That's how many written pages it took me
to fully break-down 4 of my quick money ideas
that I've used in the past to successfully reach
various quick-cash goals."
The reason I bought the eBook, is that it's really a
no risk deal. I mean, it only costs $3.99! I figure that
even if I get one good idea from the product, it's well
worth the price -- as they say, it's a no-brainer at $3.99.
Just click on the bold text, above, to read more about it,
or, Click Here.
Well, I must go for this time. I'll be back soon with an
update on how I used, My Quick Money Ideas That
All the best!
p.s. Oh yes, there's an excellent new product that
just launched. If you are thinking about creating
your own information product, you'll be interested in
reading about it. I'll discuss it, soon!
08 November 2007
The Beauty of Free Reports!
Hi Everyone,
Well, I'm pleased to say that I've been
having a good response to my new mini-site
at Earn A Living On The Web.
I'd like to says, "Thanks," for checking it
You know, if you haven't gotten into
writing a free report to help promote
your website or product, you should do
A brief Report allows you to build a
reputation as an expert in your chosen
field. It also circulates around the
web, and gives you a great deal of
Now, even if you decide not to go on
over to my website and get the free
report on Report Writing, you should
seriously consider creating a report.
Report writing is a positive step you
should take on the road to establishing
an onliine business and presence.
All the best,
Well, I'm pleased to say that I've been
having a good response to my new mini-site
at Earn A Living On The Web.
I'd like to says, "Thanks," for checking it
You know, if you haven't gotten into
writing a free report to help promote
your website or product, you should do
A brief Report allows you to build a
reputation as an expert in your chosen
field. It also circulates around the
web, and gives you a great deal of
Now, even if you decide not to go on
over to my website and get the free
report on Report Writing, you should
seriously consider creating a report.
Report writing is a positive step you
should take on the road to establishing
an onliine business and presence.
All the best,
25 October 2007
My Website's Online -- Grab a Free Report!
Good news! My Earn A Living On the Web
mini-site is now online.
If you visit the site, and join my mailing list you can
grab a copy of "Profiting Online With Free Reports".
I'm excited to have the free report page online, and
look forward to sharing lots of online knowledge with
you in the future.
Thanks for reading my blog!
I'll return soon.
All the best,
Good news! My Earn A Living On the Web
mini-site is now online.
If you visit the site, and join my mailing list you can
grab a copy of "Profiting Online With Free Reports".
I'm excited to have the free report page online, and
look forward to sharing lots of online knowledge with
you in the future.
Thanks for reading my blog!
I'll return soon.
All the best,
23 October 2007
The "Earn A Living On The Web" Website
Well, I intend to launch the companion
mini-site to this blog, within the next
couple of days.
Yes, the "Earn A Living On The Web"
website will finally be a reality!
I can't wait! It's been in the works
for several months now. Please check
it out on Thursday or Friday, at the
You'll be able to join my mailing list
and receive information on how to
earn money on the web.
In fact, if you join my list, you'll
receive a valuable Free Report -- I
won't say any more at the moment. I
don't want to let the cat out of the
bag, so to speak. :)
Oh yes, I'm also offering a terrific
small report, describing an almost
risk-free approach to playing the
"Adwords" game. It's a report by Alok
Alok's approach is brilliant! It's
so simple and basic, that even a
newbie to adwords, should be able to
apply the technique.
Well, so long for now.
All the best,
p.s. Don't forget to check for the
website, later in the week. Thanks!
Well, I intend to launch the companion
mini-site to this blog, within the next
couple of days.
Yes, the "Earn A Living On The Web"
website will finally be a reality!
I can't wait! It's been in the works
for several months now. Please check
it out on Thursday or Friday, at the
You'll be able to join my mailing list
and receive information on how to
earn money on the web.
In fact, if you join my list, you'll
receive a valuable Free Report -- I
won't say any more at the moment. I
don't want to let the cat out of the
bag, so to speak. :)
Oh yes, I'm also offering a terrific
small report, describing an almost
risk-free approach to playing the
"Adwords" game. It's a report by Alok
Alok's approach is brilliant! It's
so simple and basic, that even a
newbie to adwords, should be able to
apply the technique.
Well, so long for now.
All the best,
p.s. Don't forget to check for the
website, later in the week. Thanks!
10 October 2007
Coming Soon -- A New Mini-Website!
Hi Everyone,
I'm pleased to announce that the companion
website to this blog, will soon be launched!
I'm planning to offer a free report, to celebrate
the new site.
Well, almost free! :) You will need to subscribe
to my list, to receive the report. This report
offers a lot of valuable information, and should
not be taken lightly, even though it's free.
Later, I'll have something very special for
internet marketing newbies -- if you're a
"newbie" you won't want to miss it!
So, please keep checking this blog, as I'll
announce when the website goes live, and
later, when the newbie "special" is launched.
All the best!
I'm pleased to announce that the companion
website to this blog, will soon be launched!
I'm planning to offer a free report, to celebrate
the new site.
Well, almost free! :) You will need to subscribe
to my list, to receive the report. This report
offers a lot of valuable information, and should
not be taken lightly, even though it's free.
Later, I'll have something very special for
internet marketing newbies -- if you're a
"newbie" you won't want to miss it!
So, please keep checking this blog, as I'll
announce when the website goes live, and
later, when the newbie "special" is launched.
All the best!
18 September 2007
The Value of Blogging
There is no doubt in my mind that blogging is a
terrific way to bring traffic to your websites.
I've noticed, recently, that I'm getting more traffic
to my sites from my blogs.
However, I have yet to realize much adsense
revenue from my blogs. But, for me, this is
secondary. I think blogs are more valuable for
the traffic they deliver to your sites, and for the
way they will brand you as a writer and an expert
in your field.
Also, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that blogs
are free! :) When you create a blog, you've created
a voice on the web, without paying a penny for it!
The most you give is your time, and I would say
that it's time well spent.
So, create yourself a blog -- the most popular
vehicles at the moment for blogs, would seem to
be Blogger and Wordpress. This one is hosted
by Blogger.
I'll return, soon.
best regards,
There is no doubt in my mind that blogging is a
terrific way to bring traffic to your websites.
I've noticed, recently, that I'm getting more traffic
to my sites from my blogs.
However, I have yet to realize much adsense
revenue from my blogs. But, for me, this is
secondary. I think blogs are more valuable for
the traffic they deliver to your sites, and for the
way they will brand you as a writer and an expert
in your field.
Also, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that blogs
are free! :) When you create a blog, you've created
a voice on the web, without paying a penny for it!
The most you give is your time, and I would say
that it's time well spent.
So, create yourself a blog -- the most popular
vehicles at the moment for blogs, would seem to
be Blogger and Wordpress. This one is hosted
by Blogger.
I'll return, soon.
best regards,
10 September 2007
Profit Mart
I gave up my Profit Mart online store a few weeks ago,
largely because I hadn't taken the time to promote it
properly. The second reason for my decision was the
fact that I don't especially like the lay-out of their web
store templates. I find them much less attractive than
I had hoped they would be.
In fact, looking back, I think the appearance of the site
influenced my promotion of it. However, the main reason
I didn't promote it better, was simply because I have so
many web-related things happening. I just wasn't willing
to give the time to a Profit Mart store.
There are a lot of tools with the monthly membership.
I have no doubt that a focused use of those tools and
membership benefits, would reap some success. I'm just
not sure how much success would happen for you.
Please keep in mind that success doesn't usually happen
without effort, nor does it usually happen overnight. If
you decide to use a system like Profit Mart, work hard
at it, and give yourself at least a six months trial period.
My best regards,
I gave up my Profit Mart online store a few weeks ago,
largely because I hadn't taken the time to promote it
properly. The second reason for my decision was the
fact that I don't especially like the lay-out of their web
store templates. I find them much less attractive than
I had hoped they would be.
In fact, looking back, I think the appearance of the site
influenced my promotion of it. However, the main reason
I didn't promote it better, was simply because I have so
many web-related things happening. I just wasn't willing
to give the time to a Profit Mart store.
There are a lot of tools with the monthly membership.
I have no doubt that a focused use of those tools and
membership benefits, would reap some success. I'm just
not sure how much success would happen for you.
Please keep in mind that success doesn't usually happen
without effort, nor does it usually happen overnight. If
you decide to use a system like Profit Mart, work hard
at it, and give yourself at least a six months trial period.
My best regards,
04 September 2007
Avoiding the Email Trap
I want to say a few words tonight about the
email trap. It's something that needs stating,
especially for new people who are trying to
earn some money online.
The trap begins when we sign up to every
opportunity that comes along. Soon, our email
inbox fills up with all kinds of messages and
newsletters. So, we start checking those
messages, and opening them to make sure we
aren't missing valuable information or some
juicy deal. This feels good, and gives us
the false impression that we're getting some
things done.
You get my drift? Well, pretty soon, we're
spending most of our online time checking
email! As for getting things done -- well,
in reality, most of this stuff isn't doing
anything positive for our online business
What we really need to do is to allocate a
certain amount of time, daily, to checking
email. When the time's up -- that's it! We
logout from our email account.
Our time is better spent working on our own
product, or doing something directly related
to our online business.
My final comment is this: See if you can take
control of your email activities, starting
this week, rather than letting it control
My best regards,
I want to say a few words tonight about the
email trap. It's something that needs stating,
especially for new people who are trying to
earn some money online.
The trap begins when we sign up to every
opportunity that comes along. Soon, our email
inbox fills up with all kinds of messages and
newsletters. So, we start checking those
messages, and opening them to make sure we
aren't missing valuable information or some
juicy deal. This feels good, and gives us
the false impression that we're getting some
things done.
You get my drift? Well, pretty soon, we're
spending most of our online time checking
email! As for getting things done -- well,
in reality, most of this stuff isn't doing
anything positive for our online business
What we really need to do is to allocate a
certain amount of time, daily, to checking
email. When the time's up -- that's it! We
logout from our email account.
Our time is better spent working on our own
product, or doing something directly related
to our online business.
My final comment is this: See if you can take
control of your email activities, starting
this week, rather than letting it control
My best regards,
27 August 2007
The Marketing Nightmare Report
Hi Everyone,
I few posts back I mentioned that I would have a
free report for you. I'm sorry about the delay,
and, in the end, I've decided simply to give you
the link to Tahir Shah's blog, where you can
download the report. Here it is
I think you'll enjoy it.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I've purchased
The Marketing Nightmare program, and find it a very
honest presentation. I've completed the first three
modules, and will make further comments when I've
completed the program. So stand by . . . .
On a related note, Tahir has created an audio report
entitled, "Nice Customers - Rude Marketers". In it,
he speaks frankly about the state of internet
marketing today, and comments on the rude behaviour
of many marketers. You can download it here,
Well, I must run for tonight. I'll be back with
another post, soon.
All the best!
I few posts back I mentioned that I would have a
free report for you. I'm sorry about the delay,
and, in the end, I've decided simply to give you
the link to Tahir Shah's blog, where you can
download the report. Here it is
I think you'll enjoy it.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I've purchased
The Marketing Nightmare program, and find it a very
honest presentation. I've completed the first three
modules, and will make further comments when I've
completed the program. So stand by . . . .
On a related note, Tahir has created an audio report
entitled, "Nice Customers - Rude Marketers". In it,
he speaks frankly about the state of internet
marketing today, and comments on the rude behaviour
of many marketers. You can download it here,
Well, I must run for tonight. I'll be back with
another post, soon.
All the best!
23 August 2007
Exit Explosion has just launched!
Hi Everyone,
Did you know that there's a way to legally "steal"
traffic from high-traffic websites and redirect it
all to your website? Well, no, not actually steal
traffic, but, read on, and you'll understand what
I mean. :)
Well, there's a new free site that just launched
today, and it explains it all in plain English
(for once)!
I'd *highly* recommend that you take a look at this
if you're interested in driving a lot of free traffic
to your website:
Free Traffic!
It's an interesting method, and it may be right for
you. So, why not check it out!
P.S. There's a way you can actually get paid cash, directly to
your PayPal account, just for putting some code up on your site.
It's all explained right after you sign up.
Did you know that there's a way to legally "steal"
traffic from high-traffic websites and redirect it
all to your website? Well, no, not actually steal
traffic, but, read on, and you'll understand what
I mean. :)
Well, there's a new free site that just launched
today, and it explains it all in plain English
(for once)!
I'd *highly* recommend that you take a look at this
if you're interested in driving a lot of free traffic
to your website:
Free Traffic!
It's an interesting method, and it may be right for
you. So, why not check it out!
P.S. There's a way you can actually get paid cash, directly to
your PayPal account, just for putting some code up on your site.
It's all explained right after you sign up.
14 August 2007
The Profit Mart Store
Hi Everyone,
Well, I've now had my Profit Mart Store for six
weeks, but haven't had much time for promoting
it. So, I'm still not in a position to judge the
profit nature of the system.
At the moment, I'm also interested in exploring
the various facets of the membership site, and
to discover how much the individual stores can be
customized. This, in the end, will go a long way
in determining whether I stay with the system for
the long haul.
My next post will give you more insight in this
I must admit that I'm feeling a bit handicapped
with my site. Why? Well, I've got so many other
things on the go, that, as I mentioned above, I
just haven't been able to devote much time to
Profit Mart.
This is an important issue -- it's so easy to
take on too many projects. If you're a newbie to
online business and marketing, be careful in this
regard. Learn from my experience, and don't take
on so many projects! :)
I'll touch base, soon, again.
All the best!
p.s. I'm sorry for not having the "Special Report"
available for downloading. I promise to have it
available within a week -- hopefully in the next
couple of days.
Well, I've now had my Profit Mart Store for six
weeks, but haven't had much time for promoting
it. So, I'm still not in a position to judge the
profit nature of the system.
At the moment, I'm also interested in exploring
the various facets of the membership site, and
to discover how much the individual stores can be
customized. This, in the end, will go a long way
in determining whether I stay with the system for
the long haul.
My next post will give you more insight in this
I must admit that I'm feeling a bit handicapped
with my site. Why? Well, I've got so many other
things on the go, that, as I mentioned above, I
just haven't been able to devote much time to
Profit Mart.
This is an important issue -- it's so easy to
take on too many projects. If you're a newbie to
online business and marketing, be careful in this
regard. Learn from my experience, and don't take
on so many projects! :)
I'll touch base, soon, again.
All the best!
p.s. I'm sorry for not having the "Special Report"
available for downloading. I promise to have it
available within a week -- hopefully in the next
couple of days.
04 August 2007
The Marketing Nightmare
There is an interesting new course called "The
Marketing Nightmare," offered by Tahir Shah and
Chris Freeman. I will be creating a link on this blog,
where you will be able to download a free special
report on their program. This 20 page report is
worth reading, and will give you some food for
thought, if you are interested in online business
and marketing.
So, drop back later this weekend, when I should
have the report available for downloading.
By the way, I've signed up for their program, and
will keep you informed of my progress! :) I'll also
give you an honest review of The Marketing
Nightmare program, which is in six modules. I
expect to begin the first module this weekend.
Bye for now, and, my best regards,
There is an interesting new course called "The
Marketing Nightmare," offered by Tahir Shah and
Chris Freeman. I will be creating a link on this blog,
where you will be able to download a free special
report on their program. This 20 page report is
worth reading, and will give you some food for
thought, if you are interested in online business
and marketing.
So, drop back later this weekend, when I should
have the report available for downloading.
By the way, I've signed up for their program, and
will keep you informed of my progress! :) I'll also
give you an honest review of The Marketing
Nightmare program, which is in six modules. I
expect to begin the first module this weekend.
Bye for now, and, my best regards,
02 August 2007
Self-Improvement Gifts!
I believe that every human being can change their life.
But, first, you need to know and understand what is
keeping you from achieving a higher level of success
in your life.
Regardless of whether it's your career, relationship, or
even within your family, you can change your life.
We should face issues with an open heart and open arms.
If we can learn to face challenges without any hesitation,
and without doubt, we can accomplish many good things in
Below, you'll find a link, where you can get 77+ self
improvement gifts you can use to guide you in various
areas of your life.
Here is the link: Click Here
You may need to sign up to various lists, to get your gifts.
Some of the lists or newsletters are quite interesting.
However, if you like, you can always unsubscribe from any
list, once you've downloaded your gift.
I wish you luck with any challenges you may face at this
moment. I know you will be able to overcome them all.
All the best!
I believe that every human being can change their life.
But, first, you need to know and understand what is
keeping you from achieving a higher level of success
in your life.
Regardless of whether it's your career, relationship, or
even within your family, you can change your life.
We should face issues with an open heart and open arms.
If we can learn to face challenges without any hesitation,
and without doubt, we can accomplish many good things in
Below, you'll find a link, where you can get 77+ self
improvement gifts you can use to guide you in various
areas of your life.
Here is the link: Click Here
You may need to sign up to various lists, to get your gifts.
Some of the lists or newsletters are quite interesting.
However, if you like, you can always unsubscribe from any
list, once you've downloaded your gift.
I wish you luck with any challenges you may face at this
moment. I know you will be able to overcome them all.
All the best!
22 July 2007
System Crash!
Hi Everyone,
I'm sorry for neglecting my blogs, but
I had a system crash and was offline.
Things are slowly returning to normal,
although I have to recover some of my
files, which are on a hard drive running
Win98 -- my new system is running Windows
Vista . . . help! :)
I'm sure I'll be back soon, with a new
All the best!
I'm sorry for neglecting my blogs, but
I had a system crash and was offline.
Things are slowly returning to normal,
although I have to recover some of my
files, which are on a hard drive running
Win98 -- my new system is running Windows
Vista . . . help! :)
I'm sure I'll be back soon, with a new
All the best!
07 July 2007
Online Profit Mart Store
Well, I've decided to try an experiment for
the next two months. I've started an online
store through "Profit Mart" to complement
my Natural Healing Talk website and
The website is called, The Natural Healing,
Wellness, and Outdoor Lifestyle Store.
It has a large number of links to items
available through Clickbank, Amazon, and
EBay. So, the store is a one-stop shop,
and also has a search tool, in case you
can't find what you're looking for.
If things work fine, I'll be adding articles
to the site over the coming months. Please
have a look at the site and leave your
comments. As well, I'll be using this blog
to keep you updated on my experience with
the Profit Mart store.
I must admit, I'm a bit turned off by the
gray background of the site. This appears
to be a standard feature, as I can't seem
to alter the colour.
In any event, I like the fact that I can fine
tune my site to focus on the natural healing,
wellness, and outdoor categories.
All the best,
p.s. If you'd like to check out the Profit
Mart system, Click Here.
Well, I've decided to try an experiment for
the next two months. I've started an online
store through "Profit Mart" to complement
my Natural Healing Talk website and
The website is called, The Natural Healing,
Wellness, and Outdoor Lifestyle Store.
It has a large number of links to items
available through Clickbank, Amazon, and
EBay. So, the store is a one-stop shop,
and also has a search tool, in case you
can't find what you're looking for.
If things work fine, I'll be adding articles
to the site over the coming months. Please
have a look at the site and leave your
comments. As well, I'll be using this blog
to keep you updated on my experience with
the Profit Mart store.
I must admit, I'm a bit turned off by the
gray background of the site. This appears
to be a standard feature, as I can't seem
to alter the colour.
In any event, I like the fact that I can fine
tune my site to focus on the natural healing,
wellness, and outdoor categories.
All the best,
p.s. If you'd like to check out the Profit
Mart system, Click Here.
30 June 2007
Read This Before You Register A Domain Name!
You know, up until recently, I thought most Domain
Name Registry Companies were about the same. But,
recently, I had a rude awakening!
You see, I was delighted to discover that the domain
name, earnalivingontheweb.com, was available. Don't
let anyone tell you that all the good .com names are
taken! it's just not true.
Anyhow, I quickly registered it with a company that I
had used earlier to register two of my domain names.
That was fine. The following day, I went back to the
company site to see whether the domain name was
now active. To my surprise, it said something to the
effect that the registration was made, but that there
were problems with it.
So, I quickly got a support ticket and enquired about
the problem. I didn't receive a response. I submitted
a second ticket, and received a standard reply which
simply told me there was a problem. It wasn't clarified.
I got suspicious that something under-handed was
happening. Could it be that someone recognized the
value of my domain, "Earn A Living On The Web"?
I'll never know -- perhaps I was simply paranoid over
the situation. After all, this problem hadn't ever happened
to me.
Well, when the red light went off in my head, I quickly
headed over to Yahoo and did a domain search. Yes,
the domain name was still available. So, I quickly
registered it with Yahoo, and it was verified and
functioning within fifteen minutes!
So, what was the problem with the other domain
registry company? I won't mention any names, but,
believe me, I will be transferring those other two domain
names away from that company. I still haven't had my
money refunded, either.
I would recommend both Yahoo and It'sYourDomain,
as two places to register your domains. The price at
It'sYourDomain is a little higher than at Yahoo, but
I've had excellent service with them. Their domain
interface page is also very easy to understand. And,
I've had great service and success with Yahoo, as well.
No, not all domain name registry companies are the
My best regards,
Name Registry Companies were about the same. But,
recently, I had a rude awakening!
You see, I was delighted to discover that the domain
name, earnalivingontheweb.com, was available. Don't
let anyone tell you that all the good .com names are
taken! it's just not true.
Anyhow, I quickly registered it with a company that I
had used earlier to register two of my domain names.
That was fine. The following day, I went back to the
company site to see whether the domain name was
now active. To my surprise, it said something to the
effect that the registration was made, but that there
were problems with it.
So, I quickly got a support ticket and enquired about
the problem. I didn't receive a response. I submitted
a second ticket, and received a standard reply which
simply told me there was a problem. It wasn't clarified.
I got suspicious that something under-handed was
happening. Could it be that someone recognized the
value of my domain, "Earn A Living On The Web"?
I'll never know -- perhaps I was simply paranoid over
the situation. After all, this problem hadn't ever happened
to me.
Well, when the red light went off in my head, I quickly
headed over to Yahoo and did a domain search. Yes,
the domain name was still available. So, I quickly
registered it with Yahoo, and it was verified and
functioning within fifteen minutes!
So, what was the problem with the other domain
registry company? I won't mention any names, but,
believe me, I will be transferring those other two domain
names away from that company. I still haven't had my
money refunded, either.
I would recommend both Yahoo and It'sYourDomain,
as two places to register your domains. The price at
It'sYourDomain is a little higher than at Yahoo, but
I've had excellent service with them. Their domain
interface page is also very easy to understand. And,
I've had great service and success with Yahoo, as well.
No, not all domain name registry companies are the
My best regards,
29 June 2007
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my blog, Earn A Living On The Web.
I hope you enjoy the adventure, as you follow my
progress in the world of web marketing, and other
things pertaining to making money online, and
reaching for an independent lifestyle.
This blog will have a companion mini-website. I
plan to have it online by July 10th., and will make
an announcement when it is launched.
I'm excited about this blog and the website. It
should be valuable to new marketers, or to anyone
looking to earn money on the web. You can learn
from both my successes and failures.
All the best! I'll return shortly.
Welcome to my blog, Earn A Living On The Web.
I hope you enjoy the adventure, as you follow my
progress in the world of web marketing, and other
things pertaining to making money online, and
reaching for an independent lifestyle.
This blog will have a companion mini-website. I
plan to have it online by July 10th., and will make
an announcement when it is launched.
I'm excited about this blog and the website. It
should be valuable to new marketers, or to anyone
looking to earn money on the web. You can learn
from both my successes and failures.
All the best! I'll return shortly.
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