10 September 2007

Profit Mart


I gave up my Profit Mart online store a few weeks ago,
largely because I hadn't taken the time to promote it
properly. The second reason for my decision was the
fact that I don't especially like the lay-out of their web
store templates. I find them much less attractive than
I had hoped they would be.

In fact, looking back, I think the appearance of the site
influenced my promotion of it. However, the main reason
I didn't promote it better, was simply because I have so
many web-related things happening. I just wasn't willing
to give the time to a Profit Mart store.

There are a lot of tools with the monthly membership.
I have no doubt that a focused use of those tools and
membership benefits, would reap some success. I'm just
not sure how much success would happen for you.

Please keep in mind that success doesn't usually happen
without effort, nor does it usually happen overnight. If
you decide to use a system like Profit Mart, work hard
at it, and give yourself at least a six months trial period.

My best regards,