18 September 2007

The Value of Blogging


There is no doubt in my mind that blogging is a
terrific way to bring traffic to your websites.
I've noticed, recently, that I'm getting more traffic
to my sites from my blogs.

However, I have yet to realize much adsense
revenue from my blogs. But, for me, this is
secondary. I think blogs are more valuable for
the traffic they deliver to your sites, and for the
way they will brand you as a writer and an expert
in your field.

Also, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that blogs
are free! :) When you create a blog, you've created
a voice on the web, without paying a penny for it!
The most you give is your time, and I would say
that it's time well spent.

So, create yourself a blog -- the most popular
vehicles at the moment for blogs, would seem to
be Blogger and Wordpress. This one is hosted
by Blogger.

I'll return, soon.

best regards,

10 September 2007

Profit Mart


I gave up my Profit Mart online store a few weeks ago,
largely because I hadn't taken the time to promote it
properly. The second reason for my decision was the
fact that I don't especially like the lay-out of their web
store templates. I find them much less attractive than
I had hoped they would be.

In fact, looking back, I think the appearance of the site
influenced my promotion of it. However, the main reason
I didn't promote it better, was simply because I have so
many web-related things happening. I just wasn't willing
to give the time to a Profit Mart store.

There are a lot of tools with the monthly membership.
I have no doubt that a focused use of those tools and
membership benefits, would reap some success. I'm just
not sure how much success would happen for you.

Please keep in mind that success doesn't usually happen
without effort, nor does it usually happen overnight. If
you decide to use a system like Profit Mart, work hard
at it, and give yourself at least a six months trial period.

My best regards,

04 September 2007

Avoiding the Email Trap


I want to say a few words tonight about the
email trap. It's something that needs stating,
especially for new people who are trying to
earn some money online.

The trap begins when we sign up to every
opportunity that comes along. Soon, our email
inbox fills up with all kinds of messages and
newsletters. So, we start checking those
messages, and opening them to make sure we
aren't missing valuable information or some
juicy deal. This feels good, and gives us
the false impression that we're getting some
things done.

You get my drift? Well, pretty soon, we're
spending most of our online time checking
email! As for getting things done -- well,
in reality, most of this stuff isn't doing
anything positive for our online business

What we really need to do is to allocate a
certain amount of time, daily, to checking
email. When the time's up -- that's it! We
logout from our email account.

Our time is better spent working on our own
product, or doing something directly related
to our online business.

My final comment is this: See if you can take
control of your email activities, starting
this week, rather than letting it control

My best regards,
