14 November 2008

I'm Back! A series on Article Marketing Starts Soon!


Yes, I'm back!

Within the next few days, I'll begin making a
series of posts about Article Marketing.

So, stay tuned! If you don't know much about
marketing with articles, this series of posts
will be especially valuable.

Until then, my best wishes to all of you.



Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie,

I'm a keen article marketer and passionate about personal growth. I'm watching with interest to see your series on article marketing.

I have a blog that you might be interested to take a look at. I'm sure your readers will find lots of great ideas.



Laurie said...

Hi Lynne,

Thanks for the note! I'm also passionate about personal growth stuff. I've made a lot more contacts, in this regard, since I joined the Self-Growth.com site.
Perhaps you're a member of that site, as well.

In any event, yes, article marketing is something I'm starting to focus on. In the past, I've spread my articles around through my newsletter, more than other avenues. But, now, I'm focusing on Article sites such as EzineArticles.

Now I'm off to visit your blog!

All the best,