27 August 2007

The Marketing Nightmare Report

Hi Everyone,

I few posts back I mentioned that I would have a
free report for you. I'm sorry about the delay,
and, in the end, I've decided simply to give you
the link to Tahir Shah's blog, where you can
download the report. Here it is


I think you'll enjoy it.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've purchased
The Marketing Nightmare program, and find it a very
honest presentation. I've completed the first three
modules, and will make further comments when I've
completed the program. So stand by . . . .

On a related note, Tahir has created an audio report
entitled, "Nice Customers - Rude Marketers". In it,
he speaks frankly about the state of internet
marketing today, and comments on the rude behaviour
of many marketers. You can download it here,


Well, I must run for tonight. I'll be back with
another post, soon.

All the best!