30 November 2008

What Is Article Marketing? (Part 1)

Article Marketing is basically writing and circulating short
articles to a variety of outlets, including article repositories,
which are also called article directories and article banks,
forums, and ezine publishers. Article marketing is one
of the best types of marketing that one can do – it
is likewise one of the least expensive methods of marketing
a business. As a matter of fact, it can be free, costing you
little more than your time.

There are several benefits to article marketing. Because
articles become viral, your content virtually travels far and
wide, increasing hits to your website and increasing ezine
signups. Article marketing is also employed to make sales
and to build credibility. Anybody who wants to make themselves
an expert in their niche should make use of all that article
marketing provides.

Here is how it works. Let’s suppose that you are in the weight
loss niche, and you sell assorted weight loss products, whether
they are your own products or products to which you are an
affiliate. You compose a weight loss article, preferably one
closely related to one of your products – but you don’t want to
advertise the product in the article.

Rather, you want to address a problem that the product can
help to solve in your article – without adverting the product.
For example, if you sell a cellulite cream, you can compose
an article about what cellulite is, what causes it, and the various
ways to eliminate it. The article should be no more than 750
words, and have a compelling title.

At the bottom of your article, you include a resource box. This
is essentially a block of text, anywhere from five to seven lines
long. In this paragraph, you could say something like this:

John Doe is a weight loss expert who's assisted hundreds
of people to lose weight. You can find more useful weight loss
facts and help at his website, John Doe’s Weight Loss Secrets,
located at http://www.johndoe.com. You can discover specific
information at http://www.johndoe.com/cellulite.html .

When you have written your article, and are sure that you have
made all of the points that you wanted to make, and checked the
article for spelling and grammar mistakes, you are ready to
circulate it.

I'll be back shortly with Part 2.

All the best,