25 June 2008

Update - Massive Summer Giveaway...

Hi Everyone,

Well, I just wanted to say that the Giveaway
event has given me a great many new subscribers
for the Natural Healing Talk newsletter.

Also, I've managed to gather a couple of dozen
new subscribers to my Diet and Weight Loss
list. So, altogether, I'm quite happy with the
way the event has gone to date.

If you're just starting to build a list, you
might want to do a JV Giveaway event down the
road. Write yourself a new Free Report and give
it away as an incentive to subscribers. Join a
Giveaway event and promote your Free Report.
You will certainly attract some new people
to your list.

If you'd like to see how a Giveaway event
works, go here and sign-up -- there are bound
to be a few gifts that you'll want to acquire.
You'll likely have to join a list, in order
to download a gift, but, heck, you can always
unsubscribe whenever you wish. That's fair

All the best,