14 January 2008

Tahir Shar's "How To Avoid The Marketing Nightmare"


Recently, I was reminded by a visitor to this blog, that
I had not written about How To Avoid The Marketing
Nightmare, as I stated I would in a post made way back in
August, 2007. Well, I now plan to correct that mistake by
giving you my opinion of the program.

However, I must state the following points:

1. I've only viewed one of the six videos in the program.
You see, I have a dial-up connection, so it's too time
consuming to download the remaining videos. I still
plan to do so, but from a connection at a hi-speed
internet access cafe, or when I receive high speed
service at some point in 2008.

2. Bonuses are included with the program. I won't
consider the bonuses in my comments, but will focus
only on the Marketing Nightmare program.

3. My comments focus on the six audios included with
the program, and on the PDF file transcription of those
audios. So, in basing my comments on the audios, I am
only reviewing one of the two main components of the

First, let me say that I purchased the program at the
early release price of $97.00. And, you know what, I
was initially disappointed with the content. Why? Well,
I had purchased the program with the idea that it would
lead me by the hand, through the correct process of
setting up an online business.

In other words, I not only expected it to show me the
pitfalls of online business -- the things that I shouldn't
do, or the "Nightmare" -- but, also, to give detailed
step by step directions about how to set up an online
business. I don't recommend the program, if this is
what you are also expecting from it.

However, if you are looking to develop the correct
frame of mind for online success, this program will
benefit you greatly. It is inspirational and gives you
an excellent approach to online entrepreneurship.
Tahir Shah's presentation is very good, and will go
a long way to giving you the mindset you need to run
an online business. And, if you already have some
online experience, then it will guide you to the point
where you won't see yourself as a "newbie" any longer.
Rather, you will recognize that you've moved beyond
that status.

So, if you're looking to be led by the hand or spoon
fed in a step by step method for setting up your
business, this program won't take you there. Keep
your money, especially if you are on a low budget.
However, if you want an excellent presentation on
the correct attitude to online business, on the kinds
of actions you must take to be successful, on how
to communicate and market yourself to potential
customers, on sales tips and processes, for instance,
then this program will be good for you.

Of course, whether it's right for you also depends on
your budget, even if you are looking for inspiration
and the correct mindset to online business. I mean,
the course is now regularly priced at $197.00. That's
a lot of money, if you have very few dollars to spend.
Is it worth $197.00? Well, I can't tell you that, simply
because I haven't downloaded and watched all of the

I've personally benefited a lot from the course, especially
after listening to the audios for the second time. Also,
the PDF transcriptions are a nice benefit. But, I do wish
they had kept the "HOW TO AVOID The Marketing
Nightmare" banner off of every page of the transcript.
This wastes ink when trying to print off the transcripts. In
fact, for this reason I haven't printed them off, even though
I'd prefer a hand-held copy for casual reading whilst I
sip a cup of tea or coffee. :)

Was the program worth the $97.00 I paid for it? Yes,
certainly, especially when I have the opportunity to
download and watch the videos.

Finally, let me say that I am not an affiliate of the course.
You will not find an affiliate link on this blog post. This is
an honest, personal opinion, as I do not have a business
relationship with Tahir Shah. One more thing, I see that the
course is once again offered at the reduced rate of $97.00.
This is a limited offer, and there is a 60 day guarantee, if
you aren't satisfied with it.

My best regards,

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